What is O Happy Day Organization?

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

I'm Not Perfect (and neither is he)

Laurie Berkner, a children's singer and perennial favorite in our house, has a song that goes,

I'm not perfect, no I'm not!
 . . . . I'm not perfect, but I hope you like me that way.

That's all I could think of today as I struggled with the last of the moving and packing up.  This item I struggled with for a long time.

Do I want it? Not really.
Do I need it? No.
Can I decorate with it? It really isn't my style.  It's like, um 20 years old.
Can someone else I know use it? I'm the only Laura I know nearby.
Ok, so it's time to get give it away.

In its defense, I will say that it was made for me by a very special neighbor of mine when I was a little girl.  But I already have an item of his that will stay with me forever. So this, though unique and treasured, wasn't necessary.  It was a battle to finally put it in the "giveaway" pile, but in it went.

On a lighter note, I also found this in the dregs of dresser.  In case you ever wondered what a Redbox movie case looks like a couple months after it's due, this is it:

No, I'm not perfect, and neither is my husband. I still like him though.  And if anyone hasn't seen Anchorman 2 yet, we own it . . .

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